
wasd8456 2024-07-12 35


文章目录 [+]
  1. 英语面试常用口语对话?
  2. 在一场面试前我会做那些准备英语作文?
  3. 面试经典英文句?


Q:What do you think you are worth to us? (你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?)

A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. (我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。)

  Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization? (你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?)


  A: I h***e finished three new projects, and I am sure I can ***ly my experience to this position. (我已经完成个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上。)


When we received the notice or the employer's willingness to interview to interview, to prove our work is not far away. So, this time we h***e to prepare before the interview, and how is it?

1, material preparation. They include: CV, cover letter, referral information, questions and answers prior forecast, and ***ly for a job related to prove the relationship, but also with a pen.


2, the mental preparation. Before the interview do not give yourself too much pressure, sometimes too much pressure is not necessarily a good thing. ***ropriate to relax, change their attitude, confident that you believe in yourself, then there is no reason not to believe the interviewer How about you?

3, study preparation. Not only to study yourself, study the interviewer.

4, issue ready. Before your interview, you must predict the problem, then prepare. Usually if some of your personal information, and your values, and you are ***lying addition is job-related knowledge and skills of a professional ***rais



1. May I introduce myself? 我可以自我介绍一下吗?

  2. Let me introduce myself. 让我自我介绍一下。

  3. Do you mind if I introduce myself? 让我自我介绍一下好吗?

  6. I graduated three years ago. 我已经毕业三年了。

  7. I am an economics major. / I major in economics. 我主修经济学。

  8. I enjoy singing and dancing. 我喜爱唱歌和跳舞。

  9. Let me do the introduction. 让我来介绍一下自己

  10. Which aspect do you want to know about me?/What do you want to know about myself? 您想知道我哪方面的情况?

  11. I noticed that you advertised a job in this morning’s paper.我看到你们在今早的报纸上刊登的招聘广告

